Unlike regular thermostats that are operated mechanically or manually, a smart thermostat is a type of thermostat that can be connected to the internet that allows you to control your thermostat remotely from anywhere in the world.

The most common type of smart thermostat you see in the market is a Wi-Fi thermostat. But RVs, or recreational vehicles, offer a unique set of challenges when it comes to using smart devices, especially because of the mobility of an RV. RVs are designed to be taken on the road, and a Wi-Fi thermostat will lose connection when the RV moves.
Let us discuss these challenges in detail.
Mobility: As we all know, our first challenge as RV owner is to extend our home Wi-Fi to get Wi-Fi signals inside our RV, parked in our yard or garage. But the internet connection is lost at the end of the day when we move it out of our driveway.
Bad Campground Wi-Fi: Campgrounds are generally vast areas with limited infrastructure for connectivity. Even though most campgrounds provide free Wi-Fi, distance from the router, overcrowding, and other technical factors can lead to unreliable campground Wi-Fi, which can be frustrating for campers trying to stay connected while on vacation.
Satellite Connectivity: Satellite technology has evolved tremendously over the last few years, and Starlink is a great solution to have reliable connectivity in your RV. But, these are costly solutions and mostly suites fulltime RVer. If you are not RVing 365 days, paying so much for satellite connectivity is not a cost-effective solution.

Waltech is the world's first smart thermostat enabled with Wi-Fi and built-in cellular connectivity. Now, let's be clear it has nothing to do with your existing phone connection.
Here is how it works
Wi-Fi Connectivity: If you already have existing connectivity inside your camper, you can seamlessly connect Waltech like any other Wi-Fi thermostat.
Built-in Cellular Connectivity; The main benefit of Waltech smart thermostats is that they can be used in areas where Wi-Fi is unavailable or unreliable. This is because it uses internal cellular data to connect to the internet, rather than relying on a Wi-Fi connection. This means that even if you live in a remote or rural area, you can still take advantage of the convenience and energy savings that come with a smart RV thermostat.
Note: Waltech currently uses AT&T for internal cellular connectivity, so there is a monthly charge is $5.99. This facility can be activated and deactivated based on your convenience. So you only pay for the month that you use that service.
For example: If you are a seasonal camper and only camp for five months in a year, you are only paying $5.99 for those five months.
The facility will work across north America, where there is an available AT&T network.
In summary, Waltech smart RV thermostats with both built-in cellular connectivity and Wi-Fi is the best option for your RVs due to their ability to function in areas where Wi-Fi is not available or is unreliable, their mobility, and their ability to work as a stand-alone device. These features make them a more reliable and convenient option for controlling the temperature and monitoring energy usage in an RV.
Click here to learn more about WalTech Smart RV thermostat now!